
What We Are About
Dignity Detroit is a faith community of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Catholics, their families and friends who unite to celebrate God's love for all persons.
We are a community rich in diversity, that worships in an affirming and supportive setting. Ours is a ministry that speaks to us by offering an expression of faith and fellowship not experienced in other church situations. In this way, Dignity has helped many who have lost touch with the church to reaffirm and establish a relationship with God.
Dignity envisions and works for unity, equality, and an end to all forms of hatred. Most importantly, we are devoted to nurturing faith and love through Christ, the Sacraments, and one another.
Liturgy Information
Liturgies take place in conjunction with the IHM Peace and Justice Liturgy that occur on the first and third Sundays of every month. In months where there are five (5) Sundays, we have a lay led Scripture and Communion Service in place of a Liturgy.
The Church teaches that Liturgy is a community rather than an individual event. Therefore everyone is invited to participate fully in all liturgical events. We begin each service with a community greeting, use inclusive language in our prayers, and join hands during the Our Father: All signs of our unity in Christ and one and another.
Dignity Detroit Goals
Spiritual Development
We strive to achieve Christian maturity through full participation in the sacramental life of the church.
We strive to grow continually in our knowledge of faith, and to promote a positive self image of our sexual orientation.
Social Involvement
As Catholics, we strive to become involved in those actions which bring the love of Christ to others and which extend our justice ministry. We also encourage the People of God to accept gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals as full and equal members of the Church.
Social and recreational activities are provided to promote an environment in which friendship can develop and mature, and in which the member's sense of acceptance and dignity can be strengthened.
Dignity Detroit: Spirituality, Equality and Justice Nurtured in a
Welcoming Catholic Community.
Statements of Principle
- We will explore and initiate ways to be innovative with our ministry.
- We will encourage ministry, community and social involvement.
- We will support and expand membership.
- We will network with other GLBT&S and social justice groups.
- We will become a respectful voice on GLBT issues.
- We will set goals, develop processes and monitor progress to accomplish our objectives.
Our History Since 1974
Dignity Detroit was founded in 1974 and met at Most Holy Trinity Church for 23 years before moving to Marygrove College in 1997. We are part of a network of Dignity chapters throughout the nation, all affiliated with DignityUSA, headquartered in Massachusetts.
What We Do
In addition to our Liturgy on the first (1) and third (3) Sundays of every month, (we have a lay led Scripture/Communion Service on the fifth (5) Sunday), our activities include volunteering at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen (when needed) and supporting other charitable organizations, including those which directly impact the gay and lesbian community. There is an after-Service social, an Annual Dinner Dance, and when the opportunity affords itself, we have a party.
The Dignity Detroit Team
Ministers - Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, acolytes, greeters, gift bearers and choir members are all drawn from the congregation.
Dignity Detroit Council - Dignity Detroit's Constitution provides for a democratic governing council elected from the membership, by the membership.